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How does Social Bookmarking help in Search Engine Optimization of your Website?

Let us start by understanding what social bookmarking actually is. Social bookmarking is a way by which you can save your favorite link and later access it from any place which has an internet connection. But how do you actually do it? Well there are a lot of popular social bookmarking sites like Digg, BlinkList, Reddit, Diigo, Propeller, Mixx, Google, Mr. Wong, Slashdot, StumbleUpon, Simpy, Backflip, Delicious, Newsvine, Connotea etc. where you can register and save your link for later access.

Are you wondering how this type of social networking helps you with SEO of your website? There are quite a few advantages of social bookmarking. It is a very good platform to get directly in touch with your potential customers and make an impression on them, that too with very little effort. To do that, you can start by opening your account with some social networking site and then bookmarking one of your website articles in it. To generate quality unique content for your website you can outsource SEO to an affordable SEO service company that can provide keyword rich content relevant to your field of work. Once bookmarked, your article is readily available to all the online audience for free. If it is interesting enough it will be picked up by many readers and the link forwarded to their contacts. Not only that, but interested readers might even link back to your website if they consider your website worth linking to. So you will generate lots of traffic and free backlinks to your site. This is what is called viral marketing and it is a great organic traffic booster that eventually gives you higher rankings in the search engines. Though the direct traffic generated by this method may only last for a short time, but what is important to note here is that you generate long term indirect traffic too. The people who bookmarked your article will be interested in your area of work and if you keep on churning out quality engaging content there are chances that you will get lots of repeat and permanent visits from your readers. Some of them may even be potential buyers and customers, leading to an increase in actual sales and profits via social bookmarking.
Read more: http://www.fourpxarticles.com/internet-business/seo/sailesh-arora-2/

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